The Longest journey you will make in your life is from your head to your heart. – Sioux Saying
The Alignment Movie Process (AMP) utilizes popular movies to assist individuals in elevating awareness and shift their belief patterns towards more peace of mind. It’s an innovative and self-empowering way to expand consciousness.The Alignment Process assists individuals to make profound changes in how they see themselves and others.
Emotional patterns replicate like fractals, passed down from generation to generation. We discovered that these patterns could be changed by using popular movies. Once someone watches an Alignment Process movie they begin to revise the resonance of the perpetuating emotional patterns that hold us back from evolving and discovering new ways to come together in harmony and peace. We tell people to think of these movies as human software upgrades. Viewing Alignment Process movies is a type of profound quantum healing that affects all of us. Deepak Chopra describes quantum healing when he explains:
“Our bodies ultimately are fields of information, intelligence and energy. Quantum healing involves a shift in the fields of energy information, so as to bring about a correction in an idea that has gone wrong.”
We did the resonance change or “shift in the fields of energy information” on ourselves and became proxies for anyone that wanted the benefits.
How The Alignment Movie Process (AMP) Changes Human Patterns
Everything in the cosmos vibrates at its own frequency and all of life is based on vibrations. This includes your thoughts, feelings, belief patterns and each part of your physical body that make you who you are. The frequencies you’re aligned with both consciously and unconsciously create your life experience. Thought patterns come from networks of neurons that fire together. The more often a network fires together through reinforced thought patterns, the stronger the synaptic connections become. These reinforced thought patterns become grooves that can get deeper when continued and reinforced with emotions. The Alignment Process essentially smoothes these grooves, allowing intentional beneficial change.
We believe a new set point is already emerging on our planet that will open new opportunities for peace unlike any time in the past. To support this rapid transformation we believe that working on our individual selves will help this change occur with more grace and ease.
We see a time where diversity of people and ideas will be the new set point. A time where living in community will sustain joy and peace of mind. By coming together, we’ll discover new economic structures where all people can thrive and poverty will be a thing of the past. We believe this planet is abundant and there are no limitations to humanity’s potential.
The Alignment Process tool is a powerful way to assist others in raising consciousness so we can begin to come together to solve the problems that face all of us here in the U.S. and around the globe. Everybody’s love of movies makes The Alignment Process a uniquely accessible way to experience a shift towards peace of mind.
How To Make a Shift By Watching Movies
The Five Dimensions of Alignment
When you set out to change these patterns you are essentially bringing the mind into alignment with the resonance of the heart, revising your vibrational resonance. Repeating affirmations, prayers, or mantras over and over again is another way of changing resonance to align with a specific intent, prayer, etc. The Alignment Process directly deals with these emotional thought patterns and efficiently aligns the resonance with your intent or heart desires. It energizes beliefs that support the desired pattern change and de-energizes those that continue the old tendencies. The result is the beginning of transformative change within your inner and outer life experiences.
Aligning With The Flow of Heart Energy
We use the example of a river as a metaphor for the life force that comes from the heart. This energy follows the path of least resistance just like the river that flows around boulders in the stream. It ebbs and flows adjusting to the terrain, powerfully flowing downstream in ever changing patterns.
The mind and body have a say on this river of life and many times create unnecessary boulders. These boulders include our beliefs and thought patterns around many common human subjects which creates dissonance such as: fear, anxiety, judgment, impatience, and many other unpleasant emotions. Our minds have a tendency to focus on these boulders and cling to them while the river crashes down around us. Our minds think they run the flow of the river and at times go against it making life much more difficult than it has to be. We usually believe that what we want in life will be gained by climbing up the waterfall. The result is that we cling to the rocks fighting to get back to the waterfall. Constantly pushing against the river of life, instead of flowing downstream allowing the energy to support us.

Photo by Sharon Dutra
This upstream way of living causes emotional dissonance because it goes against the natural and powerful flow of our heart energy. The Alignment Process gives the mind and body the opportunity to loosen the grip on the boulders and to let go enjoying the flow of the river. Over time, we begin to experience more awareness of our own personal boulders so we can choose to flow around them. Alignment Process work helps us catch ourselves when we’re unconsciously clinging to a bolder or scaling the waterfall creating dissonance for us and those around us.
This level of awareness opens us up to a deeper understanding of how we truly co-create our life experiences. Going with the flow aligns us with the synchronicity of our desires. The river picks up speed and life becomes more of an adventure and less of a difficult struggle. As our rivers expand, so does our heart energy connecting us to others with similar desires and aspirations for life. We become so refreshed and inspired by this work, that we’re willing to keep recognizing the boulders that cause emotional dissonance getting us back to peace of mind quicker and quicker each time.