It’s Just Commerce: Returning Balance to Business is an invitation to explore the idea that your heart can be an integral part of business. We’ve all heard the expression “It’s Just Business” which usually absolves a person from the decisions and actions taken as a result of the winner takes all approach to business. When we bring heart into business we discover peace of mind and win-win outcomes for all involved. Barnes and MacGregor make the case that it’s possible for peace of mind in business when you start with your beliefs and intentionally begin the process of revising these patterns. It’s Just Commerce: Returning Balance to Business gives you a way to tangibly change these patterns through a series of movies. Films are a reflection of human consciousness past and present. They provide an ideal roadmap of the patterns that continue to persist and now as a tool to change them within yourself.
David Barnes and Sue-Anne MacGregor are the creators of the Alignment Movie Process (AMP™), which allows a noticeable energetic shift of the patterns that get in the way of balance and peace. This book includes over 70 AMP™ movie sessions that have been infused with hundreds of potent intentions and affirmations. In addition to shifting your mindset on a conscious level, these AMP™ films shift your energetic patterns on a more deeper level so you can propel yourself towards a life you truly love.
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