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This week is Part 5 of our Time for Happiness Series called How To Live With No Boundaries.
Over the past four weeks we’ve covered many facets of happiness and have provided several terrific alignment films to assist in your own journey of discovery.
Lets recap the Happiness ground we’ve covered so far.
We began this series with our First episode called: How To Leverage Time and Happiness with the Alignment Film: About Time.
Then we presented 5 Ways To Practice Happiness featuring the fun movie: Hector and The Search for Happiness. Week three we featured How To Discovery Your True Bliss with the delightful film called Eat | Pray | Love.
And last week it was Say Yes To Happiness with the fun and zany movie Yes Man.
We hope you’re watching these films and are discerning how to create more happiness in your life.
If you have a favorite, we want to hear about it so reach out to us and let us know your experience.
This week we’re discovering How To live With No Boundaries.
Our featured Alignment Movie is: The Theory of Everything.
Make a shift to no boundaries in your life and discover the depths of happiness.
Sue-Anne completes the show with an Alignment Session called: Release all Negativity and Allow the Sun to Shine.
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