I get it…fighting the good fight is so addictive and seems righteous. If we could just get some strong man to force change and expose all the bad guys then we’d be safe and realize peace. We think that joining sides to fight and elevate injustice will help us win this war of consciousness. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Here’s why:
Have you ever heard that what you focus on you become? It’s as if you merge and become one with it. So, if thoughts do create and change vibrations, is it possible that thousands of us focused on fear and division could actually create the very thing we’re afraid of? I think the answer is yes. Which is why I’m posting this today. To give you another place of focus.
If you’ve been following my work, chances are you too want to see change in the world for the better. You want more peace, kindness, and love. Maybe you’re a spiritual teacher or leader in the consciousness movement. Maybe you just want some peace of mind. If so, let me ask you something:
How did we all forget about MLK and Gandhi so quickly in these times? These peaceful leaders didn’t use force and fear to realize change. They didn’t intentionally stir our culture of demagoguery (it’s real and powerful) to save us. It was unity and love…right?. Isn’t that what we want to collectively create?
The more we come together and focus on love and unity, we’ll no longer be influenced by operatives whose masked intent is in keeping us stuck in a deep state of fear.
To help shift your focus to UNITY, here’s a Peace Overtures Radio podcast we did several years ago called: There is No Them Only US. It’s available anywhere you get your podcasts. The Alignment Movie Process (AMP) session is really powerful and the AMP film is the movie Human. I’ve never seen anything like the movie Human. It deeply moved me and helped me understand how magnificent we all are.
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