At the heart of our mission lies the simple desire to inspire more kindness in the world. We believe that the key to achieving this goal is through cultivating a sense of peace and balance within ourselves. When we are centered and calm, we are more able to extend kindness and compassion to those around us. By focusing on our own well-being and inner peace, we can create a ripple effect of positivity and kindness that has the power to change the world.
At Peace Of Mind Overtures, our passion is assisting individuals and teams realize a whole new level of success while maintaining balance in their: mental, physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects of life. I think of this balance as peace of mind.
We work with individuals and teams utilizing popular movies to change the resonance of emotional and belief patterns. It’s called: The Alignment Movie Process (AMP).
Explore the possibilities for a profound personal transformation with the Alignment Movie Process AMPTM. CLICK HERE to being your journey.
David Barnes and Sue-Anne MacGregor are the creators of the Alignment Movie Process (AMPTM), which allows a noticeable energetic shift of the patterns that get in the way of balance and peace.